Project Servator launches across the Thames Valley

Project Servator, a policing tactic used to disrupt a range of criminality, including terrorism, will be trialled across the Thames Valley from this month.

The approach sees police, businesses, local partners and the public working together to create a network of vigilance, to disrupt the information-gathering and planning that criminals need to do.

Deployments of the tactic involve a combination of highly visible elements, including uniformed officers, dogs and our Mounted Section, as well as less visible measures such as plain-clothed police officers, our Drone Unit and CCTV. Plain clothes police officers blend in with the crowd while uniformed police officers engage with the public to provide reassurance and raise awareness of the role the community can play in preventing crime. Project Servator deployments will never involve just plain clothes officers and they will always be working with uniformed police officers.

Working together, teams will pop up in areas across the force on highly visible and unpredictable deployments to disrupt criminal behaviour, identify criminal intent and reassure the public. They can happen anywhere, at any time and include police officers specially-trained to spot the tell-tale signs that someone may be planning or preparing to commit a crime.

Project Servator has been successful in gathering intelligence that has assisted Counter Terrorism Units in investigating and preventing acts of terror. Developed and tested by security experts at the National Protective Security Authority (NPSA), in partnership with the City of London Police, the tactic has also resulted in arrests for various offences and is responsible for removing firearms, knives and drugs from the streets.

Inspector Gemma Price, Project Servator Tactical Lead, said: “Our trial of Project Servator is a fantastic opportunity for us to work even closer with businesses and wider partners to maximise safety and security in the Thames Valley, while reminding our communities about the importance of being vigilant at all times.

“Although Project Servator deployments are different to normal police operations, if you see one in your area, there’s nothing to worry about. Don’t be surprised or alarmed if you see them and weren’t expecting to. They are unpredictable in nature and can happen anywhere at any time.

“Officers will be engaging with the public and businesses as part of deployments, letting them know what they are doing and reminding them to report any suspicious or unusual behaviour to us. You can help by telling a police officer or member of security staff immediately or call 101. In an emergency, always call 999."

Find out more about Project Servator on the dedicated webpage and through our video


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