Commissioner welcomes tougher rules on offensive weapons
Changes to legislation, brought about by the Offensive Weapons Act 2019, mean that from today (14/7) it is now an offence to possess certain items such as knuckledusters, throwing stars and zombie knives, even in private.
Other sections of the act that will commence today include an updated definition of flick knives to reflect changes in weapon designs, and the banning of private possession of flick knives and gravity knives. The rest of the act will commence later in the year, and will bring in new provisions for the control of goods sold online, as well as placing responsibility onto delivery companies to conduct age verification at delivery stage.
Police and partners will be working to educate the public and the business community regarding these changes in legislation. The introduction of such measures will provide us with further means to help deter young people from becoming involved in knife possession and knife crime.
Matthew Barber, Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley, said: “I’ve highlighted the need to tackle violent crime in my new Police & Criminal Justice Plan. In Thames Valley we have seen a significant reduction in recorded knife crime, and the police continue to deliver high-visibility patrols in hotspot areas and will proactively seek out those who chose to carry weapons. This change in the law to outlaw knuckledusters, throwing stars and zombie knives will help the police to keep the public safe.”