A call for clarity in developing a new unitary council for Oxfordshire

At the end of 2024 the Government announced plans to reorganise local government across England. This is set to involve the creations of mayors and the scrapping of two tier local government, such as exists in Oxfordshire which has district councils, a city council and a county council.

Last week the local government minister wrote to Leaders in Oxfordshire inviting interim proposals to be submitted to government by 21st March, yet currently councils across the county cannot agree what shape any new council should take.

Back in 2017 I worked with fellow council leaders to develop the Better Oxfordshire proposal which set out planned for a single council to deliver better services; lower cost; and more local decision making.

I have written to the leaders of all of Oxfordshire councils calling on them to set aside party political differences and to back the plans that have already been published to create a new council for Oxfordshire.

With any reorganisation there are implications for the police, fire services and the NHS, but most important is the impact on residents.

Changes to local government will make a real difference in our communities, and I believe that a move to a unitary council can be a positive change, but it is for politicians across Oxfordshire to make the case to the public.

At the moment there are different proposals being considered, largely behind closed doors, and I’m encouraging councillors to engage with the public ahead of May’s local elections to set out their vision for the future of local government.


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