More uncertainty over Oxfordshire County Council’s plans to switch off street lights
The public were rightly concerned about the proposals to switch off the majority of street lights without public consultation. Earlier this month the Deputy Leader agreed to run a consultation after the elections. So I was very concerned when a member of the public sent me a photograph that appears to show the plans are being implemented already.
Bizarre headline in which the Lib Dems claim “success” when forced to withdraw their own policy.
I have written to the Leader of the County Council asking for urgent clarification. Will the council be running a consultation and will they listen to residents if they do?
Back in November over 2,000 signed my online petition calling on the Lib Dem-run Oxfordshire County Council to rethink the policy, so it was welcome news when they paused the plans and then agreed to a consultation.
This latest revelation merely causes more uncertainty and the public deserve clarity.
First these plans were going to be introduced without consultation; then in January the Lib Dem's were claiming "success" by keeping in their local election leaflets.
Now there seems to be uncertainty as to whether they will listen to residents if they do finally run a consultation."